Daily Prompt Series

Dear people:

I have been mulling over many things these past few years when changes are continuously being thrown (or come across my paths by choice) to me in life. And I got to a point that I cannot let go the simplest but most fundamental question of all: What is life about? Every single day. As my time living in Chicago coming to its fifth year, me grappling with the idea of constant shifting, transforming, and adapting perspectives as a person cross cultures, identities,experiences, etc. has to find a place that can allow those nuances and intricacies to shape and form. A while back I began to plan/develop a long-term dance project that is going to be derived from an honest examination of my own complexes and ego within my original nuclear family and see how those relationships are actually an epitome of the struggles of every one of us. It’s meant to be a work that looks at “collective unconscious” and “shadows” (from German psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Go to Collective Unconscious – GoodTherapy.org or C G Jung Institute of Chicago Analytical Psychology – CG Jung Institute of Chicago for more information) of society from individual experiences and aspects. In that process, I have realized there are a lot more questions that I would like to ask, to engage in dialogues with people; and this will be my ongoing quest artistically, professionally, and personally.

Therefore, I have dove into a series of wondering and inquiries for myself every day; some questions are broad and general, while others specific and require personal associations. Starting today, I will post one question here on my page every day. It is for myself to keep track of my thought process, to use the responses as my movement research materials, but it is also an invitation for people who happen across them. If you find some of the questions touch you, resonate with you, or you share similar wonderment, please jot down a few lines in response. I will dialogue with you, knowing what we are looking for is not one absolute answer, but multilayered, dense, and beautifully ever-shifting realities of being humans. I will also compile and post these questions and responses, along with my movement research materials/rehearsal clips/images and other updates (when I have them) in the movement practice page on this website.

You are all welcome to join me. Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions too or stop by my website if you are interested in this project (be aware, it is going to be an indefinite process:), or any other of my works.